
Archive for October, 2009

Hey, long time no see! It’s been over 3 weeks since my last post. Many things have happened, and the truth is that I’ve been very busy and also very sick with the flu. I hate it when I get sick… and then again, who doesn’t!

I’m still working hard to figure out an inexpensive and efficient way of improving our website. Also, I’ve been trying to locate all major bloggers and opinion leaders in the Open Source community so they talk about us… I love my work! Aside from that, there’s been a lot of analysis and dirty work (which I also love, by the way). Got a new Business Development Manager for our company, and he seems to be so the right person for the job. Really hope he manages to introduce our products at a corporate level. We’ll see. Our commercial director seems to be happy with him, so be it.

What else is new? Well, yesterday we decided I was attending the Online Marketing Expo Barcelona.  So, next October the 29th, I will be learning all about innovations and trends in digital marketing, SEO, digital interaction and so forth. Conveniently located (this conference is being held at World Trade Center Barcelona –the place where our offices are), looks like the Online Marketing Expo is going to be an interesting one. I’ll surly write all about it in this space.

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